Picture a beautiful woman. A picture you have seen as you are scrolling on Facebook or Instagram and you think to yourself, “Dang, this person has it all. She is happy and beautiful and life looks so perfect.”
A true picture of perfection because that it the version that she wants you to see.
Inside though, her life – and more importantly her heart – is a mess. She feels inadequate and empty.
Truth is, that’s how a lot of us are, aren’t we? We have this persona that we show on the outside, but on the inside…oh my…that’s a whole different story. We have our struggles. Our emptiness. Yearning for something that is missing inside of us that tugs our souls daily. Real life. Some of us struggle with this. It is a fact. We feel all alone. No one would love the “real” me. How could they?
What is cool is that the is someone who loves all of those shitty parts of you. Of me. Of everyone. Unconditionally. Those shitty parts that you try and hide though your outward appearance. That “person” is God.
Having a relationship with God can transform you from the inside out. It is so powerful that it can reengineer the inside of you to actually look like what you portray on the outside.
Talking to God about your struggles, your fears, your emptiness and will fill you with love, joy and contentment. He will transform your weaknesses into strengths when you finally realize that He is with you always. He will turn your sadness into rejoicing. Doubt into conviction. Uncertainty into unwavering faith.
God is good like that. He sees and knows the real you, and He loves you anyway. Always.
There is nothing in the world that you can do to separate yourself from His love. That is a fact.
So stand up. Dust off that internal mess of yourself that you got going on and talk to God. Start a relationship. He’s been waiting.