Fox-Guidry Mortgage > JoyfulLivingToday > A New Year – New Goals

Ahhhh…the new year. A fresh start. A turned page. A new you. Endless possibilities are before you. A good time to reinvent yourself. Make those changes. Do all of those things you have been wanting to do…since last year. But alas, this year – dang it- is going to be different. You are going to stick with the plan and do it!

I think that taking the time to dream and think about what you want to do and how you are going to go about doing it is a good thing. What kind of changes do you want to make? What kind of person do you want to be? Now is a good time to take a pen and write them down. Carve out some alone time where no one else can disturb you and dream!! Write out your goals and then write about what steps you have to take to get them accomplished. The latter part of that is the extra step that most people don’t take, but it will help you have a clearer direction.

You want to lose weight? Write it down…and then formulate a plan on how you will accomplish this.

Example: My Goal is to lose 10 lbs.
Action steps: 2 protein shakes per day and then small meals each night. No processed food. I will do this until the weight is off. I will also work out for at least 30 minutes to an hour each morning, which means that I will have to wake up at 5am to accomplish this. Once the weight is off, I will continue on with the  2 shakes per day during the week and then on the weekends, I will eat what I want. This way, I am not deprived from craving anything.

You want to write a blog but you don’t “have time?” Well, get up 30 minutes earlier while everyone else is still sleeping and write it every day.


Here’s the cool thing that you may not realize: You already have within you every power needed for you to be the person that you want to be. You just have to do it. Take baby steps every day. You got this.

And really…it doesn’t matter when in the year you start to do this or what day of the week you start doing anything. Just start. Stop making excuses.

Wishing you the very best as you begin the journey of putting on paper your dreams and aspirations and then clarity as you think about how you will execute them. May you be blessed with an open heart and the courage to embrace that fire that burns within you, tugging at your soul.
