Not everything that we THINK is good, is actually good (for us).
Let that sink in for a second while I tell you a story.
It begins on a Monday in June 2020. I was coming back from a trip the day before and as you can imagine, my phone was ringing non-stop and I had more text messages than I cared to think about. My anxiety was high, but I also wasn’t feeling good. I decided to go to the doctor anyway…just in case I had “the COVID” (that is how I put it).
I had my whole day planned out for work and how I was going to handle the load that was piling on by the moment. Not only did I have my day orchestrated, I took the liberty of organizing the rest of my week out too. I basically had every minute of my coming week calculated and laid out.
This is what I want in life, right? It is what I have been working for for the last 15 years. Every person’s dream to be this busy. It was overwhelming, but to me, one day it would all be worth it.
I was going to just keep my nose to the grindstone and keep plowing through everything until I was 50 and then I would be done. I could retire. I was set. Just keep working, Jen. Keep working.
Until God cleared my schedule for me.
You see, what I wanted and thought was a “good plan” wasn’t truly good for me. He showed me that He had a better plan.
One that I needed a clear schedule for. I needed to pause long enough to write my book. Had I not gotten so sick last year, it would not have been written. I would never have made the time.
When I finally slowed down long enough to listen…really listen to Him, the ideas flowed swiftly. I wrote over 325 pages. The Storm quickly got picked up by a publisher and is in the final page design state right now. It will be out in stores by the end of the year.
I have been really sick before, but THIS one changed me. It molded me into the someone I had only caught glimpses of before. A new me…a better me.
It is at those moments…those turning points in life where one second in time has forever changed the trajectory of life where we need to pause. THOSE are the moments where it is easy to feel defeated because we don’t understand the WHY just yet.
We may have had our solid plans for success, happiness and just life itself, but God had other plans for us. Better ones.
So all of those things that I thought were good…the things that I yearned for and though would make me happy…they never actually did make me happy.
Because I was on the wrong path.
God fixes that if you will let Him.
Thank you so much for reading today. I hope that I made you smile and think a little bit. To reach me, visit