The greatest joys I have had in my life come from giving generously to others, even when I have had little.
It has been said – In order to keep it, you gotta give it away. And that, my friends, rings truer than you would ever think…until you have experienced it for yourself. I love giving stuff away!
I remember experiencing this phenomenon when I was in my early 20’s and just starting out. I had $200 left in my checking account and I gave away $150 of it to a friend in need. I did it without thinking and not fully thinking through the ramifications of the sad fact that I only had $50 to live on until my next payday.
Within 2-3 days, I started getting unexpected checks come in. Refund for this…overpayment for that. Within days, I actually had over $500 in my account. Back then, that was a huge deal. God provided for me. That’s how it works.
As I have grown in my career and success, so has my desire to give to others. There is not much more satisfying to me than helping someone. I love to be able to make a difference in someone’s life, either through experiences or just general life help (for lack of a better word).
I know how it feels to have nothing. I have been there. I was also on the receiving end of someone else’s generosity and it impacted my life. Maybe you’ve had a similar experience.
I believe that in order to be successful, you have to pay it forward. You have to give without any expectation in return (even though there will be good that happens as a result…but that is only a perk!). Your actions must be open-handed and freehearted. Not only do you have the ability to change someone’s life, but yours will change as a result.
Need more reasons why you should be generous?
You should spread the love. Give back as a “thank you” for all of the blessings you have been given. Use your privilege as a way to bring hope to those who are not. Charity and generosity provides a good example to others to motivate them to do the same. Giving inspires giving. It is good for your soul and overall peace. Helping others creates a stronger sense of community. You will be happier, healthier and more grateful.
And…because you can. Everyone can. No matter what. Every single one of us has the ability to make an impact. When you give, you will be rewarded in return. God is cool like that.
Thank you so much for reading today. I hope that I made you smile and think a little bit. Be sure to check out my Podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud and Stitcher —- Jen’s 10 G’s