Fox-Guidry Mortgage > JoyfulLivingToday > All the Good You Cannot See

I am writing this to you as a married woman! YAY! Michael and I got married on 10/10/2020 and the day was absolutely perfect. 
When we decided to get married in Rockport, there was a lot of logistical planning involved. Both of our families were coming from out of town and we just wanted to make sure that everyone was taken care of and the only thing that we would have to worry about when the time came, was to have fun!
We had originally secured a huge house that slept 30 people. It was right on the water and it had a huge deck out the back of it where we could hold our wedding reception and ceremony. We were so excited, so we booked it and paid for it in full. Thinking we were secure with our plans, we made other arrangements for everyone else’s lodging and all wedding plans around that house.
Until they cancelled the reservation on us very unexpectedly about 3 weeks before the wedding. They sold the house and the new owners didn’t want to do an Air BNB anymore! We had to quickly find somewhere to stay AND have the ceremony. Yikes!!
I am pretty happy with myself here because I did not panic. LOL I am not gonna lie. I just dealt with the news and knew that everything would work out for the best.
We found some other houses and we rented them. We even got lucky and rented a Pavillion on Rockport Beach where we could hold our ceremony and subsequent reception. There was nothing else available on such short notice. The only problem was that the Pavillion was near a small part of the beach and it didn’t have bathrooms or electric hookup to it…so we would have to get generators etc. We just would have to make do with what we have. We proceeded on with our plans and worked with the wedding planner to use these facilities.
Until the lady at Aransas County called me in nervousness because they had accidentally double booked our Pavillion!! OMG. Now what?
Maybe it is all of the yoga and deep breathing I have been doing that is helping me with my calm factor, but I remember just taking a deep breath and asking her, “Ok, well what are our options?” She went through a long list of things to do that included sharing the space or splitting up where we get the Pavillion and they get the bridge in front of it. After telling her that would not really work for us, she said, “Well, you can have the Beachfront Pavillion, someone just literally cancelled right now.”
After I did my own private victory dance in my bedroom, I composed myself and said, “YES!!” You see, that was the one that I wanted, but it was booked. It is on the widest part of the beach and has its own private bathrooms/kitchen/air conditioning etc. 
Let me tell ya…it was perfect!!
The morning of the wedding, Michael and I took a long walk through the neighborhood and we walked by the house that we were originally supposed to rent…the big mansion. Guess what? The entire deck was under water!!! There was a storm surge from the hurricane that caused the water levels to rise. There was no way we would have been able to hold our wedding there.
We just looked up into the sky and smiled. Thank you, God.

It is relatively uncomplicated to see a beautiful sunrise, a majestic mountain or to see the trees sway in the wind. Ya know, the beauty and good that we can see. It is right in front of us.
What about the good that we cannot see? Those deeds or things that are orchestrated “behind the scenes” that we don’t initially see as good at the time, but really are. Any one of those “calamities” that I described  earlier, could have been easily seen as all bad stuff, but as you can see, they were all actually very good things indeed.
There are things in our every day world that are just beyond our understanding. It is because our views are dramatically different than what God sees. We see up-close. He sees the whole picture and smiles. Trust me, my child. I will bring good things out of this. Just wait and see.

You have to trust the Lord in all situations…not just some. You have to believe that when things happen that are not in our plans or that seem to make no sense to us, there is a greater purpose. He knows better.
So when things don’t go your way or as you had planned, remember my little story here. Gently remind yourself that there is good that you cannot see. So, sit back, relax and see what happens.
Let God do His thang.

Thank you so much for reading today. I hope that I made you smile and think a little bit. Be sure to check out my Podcast on iTunes, Soundcloud and Stitcher —- Jen’s 10 G’s