Be the person that kicks in the door for others to walk through.
The woman who straightens the other’s crown.
The person that defends the honor of others when they are not around.
The one who hugs freely, deeply and with purpose.
The person who earnestly prays for others when they say they will.
Be the leader that builds up those who surround them instead of looking for ways to feel superior themselves.
The one who smiles at strangers in passing and looks them in the eye.
Be the somebody who offers the apology and is the first to reach out to reconcile.
The one who is ok with sitting in the back seat or not at the head of the table.
Be the one who serves first and the one who is okay with being last.
Strive to be the one who brags about others both in front of and behind their backs.
Be the one who stands up for what you believe in.
Be the trailblazer.
The one who isn’t afraid to stand alone.
The one who realizes that we are all capable of accomplishing extraordinary things.
The one who realizes that we are all created to be victorious.
Be THAT person.
Thank you so much for reading today. I hope that I made you smile and think a little bit. To reach me, visit