I love shoes. I mean, I really love shoes. A bad ass pair of shoes can make even the most mundane outfit amazing. Confession: I have a LOT of shoes.
I remember when I was in my twenties, “older” women (By older, I mean women in their forties LOL…who are not so old now to me! Ha) would walk up to me and say things like, “I remember when I could wear shoes like that. Just wait until you are my age. Enjoy it while you can.”
I used to raise one eyebrow in disbelief, truly thinking that this “not wearing my awesome shoes thing” just ain’t gonna happen.
Fast forward to Jen who is now 45 years old. I am now the woman who tells the younger women, “Just wait…”
I don’t know if it was the quarantine where I had to work from home that got me out of my “shoe practice” or what. Maybe wearing socks, no shoes or slippers to work for the past year and a half changed me or maybe it is because I can see my poor little feet changing right before me…but dang it, my feet freakin’ hurt me. They don’t like dress shoes anymore.
Now that I have gone back into the corporate world where I have to wear dresses and suits, I have realized that life is way too short to wear uncomfortable shoes. I can’t wait to take them off and do so even when not fully appropriate. But I don’t care. I now equate the ritual of taking my shoes off almost as satisfying as whipping off my bra when I get home. (ANY woman will agree and understand this analogy.)
When I look in my closet sometimes, I let out a big sigh… “Oh, remember when I could wear you.”
I have even started to painstakingly give some of my most treasured shoes away to the younger generation. My step-daughter happens to be the same size as me, so she has been the lucky beneficiary of many a shoe. When she puts them on, I can see the light in her eyes glimmer in her eyes. I remember those days. Oh, to be young again (if only for the shoes part!!)
It is just not worth the pain anymore. Wedges, low heels and platforms…here I come!! The good thing is, is that there are still plenty of comfortable and sensible shoes out there that will still give me that feeling I get when I have a bad-ass pair of shoes on. This time though, I am smiling because my feet aren’t killin’ me.
I can’t fight it. It’s the circle of life. Ha ha. I am getting older. Much like the gray hairs that continue to grow with lightning speed is my realization that life is indeed too short to wear uncomfortable shoes.
And THAT is my thought for today.
Thank you so much for reading today. I hope that I made you smile and think a little bit. To reach me, visit SALending.com