I am about to turn 45 in a few weeks. I used to think 45 was old. Now, I think that 90 is old. I wonder if 90 year old people think they are old? Or are they looking at the 100 year olds and thinking, now that is old. I hope that I live...Read More
I have to work out. I have to go to work. I have to go grocery shopping. I have to go see my parents. I have to stay home all week because of the weather. Guess what? You don’t HAVE to do anything. You GET to. I get to work out… What a blessing it...Read More
Even God isn’t a perfectionist. It was very good, He said, when He made the world. It ain’t perfect. So why do we try to be? Why do we let our pursuit of perfection ruin us from becoming the best versions of ourselves right now? Is the frozen pizza thrown in the oven with great company better...Read More
We created you in our dreams. We drew you on 3 pages of lined paper. “Wouldn’t it be great if we had a home that had….this and that?” we would say out loud as our visions started to come together. A designer just put you on paper for a first draft and now we can...Read More
You are born into this world with spirit beaming. Endless possibilities. Your mind is pure and your heart inherently thirsts for love. You have no idea about the life you are about to lead or the future that lies before you. Clean slate. You have the ability to do great things. Some take this path,...Read More
We spend our minutes, days, weeks, years…lives taking in and breathing out shallow breaths and then we wonder why we are so dang stressed out, tired and sick. Breathing is supposed to be part of our unconscious thought, but the hectic lives that we lead cause us to alter those precious breaths we take. We...Read More
I talk a lot about gratitude. The simple action of being thankful in both good and “bad” times has changed my outlook and my disposition in life. Most simply put, when I started thanking God for His blessings, I soon realized just how favored I really was. Anyone can do this. You should totally try...Read More
It is easy to feel agitated right now given the current happenings in this fallen world we live in. I feel it and I know that you do too. The negative energy that is buzzing and colliding right in front of us is causing people to be, well….really unsettled and quite edgy. We’ve had enough…and...Read More
I get to deliver both good and bad news to people every day in my profession. It is just all part of what I do. Today, I want to talk about having to deliver the bad news. I am sorry, but you cannot buy a home for your family. Loan officers in my profession hate...Read More
Confucius once said, “To be wronged is nothing unless you continue to remember it.” Now, he also said, “Man who farts in church sits in his own pew.” Maybe he didn’t say the latter, but we must admit that they are both very wise words of wisdom. Both pieces of advice can be used in...Read More