Under construction. Yeah, that is what we will call it. We are all under construction until the day we die, right? The question is: Who is your carpenter? Who are you going to hire to build your temple? The first guy, boy he is cheap. He tells you so many times and also stresses how...Read More
I love the morning sunshine that beams its way into my house in the morning. It is so peaceful to see it. It makes me smile. The warmth of the sunbeams penetrate my home and bring me joy and peace. Until it very clearly hi-lights every single speck of dust in my house and I...Read More
Introduction: On today’s episode of the 10Gs Podcast (grit, gifts, goodwill, guts, goals, God, glory, growth, gratitude, and being genuine), I’m talking about the topic of being comfortable with being uncomfortable. Being comfortable can feel safe but it’s not going to help you move forward in your life. I’m going to try to help you...Read More
Mondays. Ugh. Those are the toughest days of the week. So many phone calls come in along with countless emails and text messages. The phone becomes a never-ending “ding-fest: as it delivers notifications of the messages etc. that are flying in. Sometimes it seems like it will be impossible to get all of her work...Read More
Round 2: Surviving Blood Clots Once Again Learning to Listen Who would have thought that walking 2 miles with no incline would kick my butt and wear me out? My newly damaged lungs and tired body are a far cry from where they were just a few short months ago. It is challenging, this slowing...Read More
I have a tin can filled with pennies that I have been using to train the new puppy. When she is a pill or doing something that she is not supposed to do, I fervently shake my penny can and the behavior is immediately stopped. It is super effective. It is just a tin can...Read More
My thoughts for this morning… When we face tribulation, misfortune, adversity and set-backs, our natural inclination is to want God to just take it all away. We don’t want to hurt. We don’t want to struggle. We don’t want our lives interrupted. Our inherent tendency is to ask, “WHY?…Why me?” That is our self-sufficient identity...Read More
In the stillness of the morning before dawn, my mind awakes first before my body is fully aware of it. The dogs begin to stir as they begin to sense my restlessness and Bella comes over and licks my face a few times. I hate it and love it at the same time. I convince...Read More
Sometimes when I can’t sleep, I put my headphones on and I listen to poems that I have downloaded on my Audible app. I listen to Rumi, Donohue, Longfellow, Gibran and Whitman and they lull me to into a comfortable slumber. Most times, quite honestly, I don’t remember a damn thing about what they said,...Read More
This past week, I went to the Hematologist for my post-hospital care. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I was pretty disappointed with the news I heard regarding what it will take for my recovery. For those of you who know me, you know that for the past 10 years, I have been...Read More