Well, I should maybe rephrase that to say, “My After-Forty Slightly Botoxed Face” HA!! Anyway, it is the most comfortable face that I have worn so far, Botox and all. I have mentioned before in earlier entries, that my 40’s have been my favorite years…finally comfortable with myself in every aspect. It is kinda cool....Read More
It is true ya know…there are seasons in life for different things, people, friends, relationships, attitudes etc. In my mind, I picture a version of myself walking forward with different people and different things revolving around me as I move forward. I take things from each person…like a lesson, a thought, a way of doing...Read More
Am I the only one who wakes up singing songs or with songs in my head? A few weeks ago, for like a whole week, I woke up singing “Beautiful Loser” by Bob Seger. Today’s song is from Kanye West’s new Album, “Jesus is King”…there is a song that is called, “Follow God”. The lines...Read More
Let’s face it, most bankers and mortgage are stuffy and “stiff” for lack of better words. It is just that way. I don’t know why exactly. It must be something that we somehow learn and becomes a right of passage in our industry. Maybe it is the money, maybe it is the “power”. Don’t know....Read More
I have a lot of scars. Both on my body and in my mind. I used to hate them, but now I am thankful for them. There is a song that is out right now called, “Scars”…. and its says… “So I am thankful for the scars,because without them, I wouldn’t know Your heart,and I...Read More
Well, maybe my clients don’t exactly frame it that way, but that is what everyone really wants to know….deep down inside. I know that you are brainwashed to believe that APR is the only thing to look at. Guess what, though? It is not. APR is basically the cost of a loan over time. It...Read More
Today is a tribute to #Powerwomen. I happen to know quite a few of them. They are amazing. Here’s to the women who kick daily ass. Who don’t take shit from anyone. Who work their butts off. Smart. Successful. Beautiful. Strong. Funny. Wise. Incredible. Sacrificing. Here’s to the women who not only do all of...Read More
Truth is I don’t always have the motivation to go to the gym 5 days a week. Truth is I don’t always have the motivation to wake up early every single day. Truth is I don’t always have the motivation to stay late and do more than necessary to close every single deal. Truth is...Read More
I have these question cards that I buy off of Amazon…they ask you random questions in order to get you thinking. I use them for journaling a lot. I just write down random things. Sometimes the questions are profound and sometimes they are stupid questions like, “Have you ever seen an alien?”The answer to that...Read More
Lately, I have made it a point to talk to women I meet about their goals, aspirations, career choices and things like that…and there has been one common theme that I have heard over and over again… “I really want to do XXXX, but I am scared of failing.” or “It is my dream to...Read More