Her last “walk” Her first day with me! Today Muffy on the day I got her! Last night, I gave Muffy her last bath. Usually, she loves baths and wags her tail the whole time. Last night was different. She could not even stand on her own. About 7 years ago, I adopted this precious...Read More
Loved this!! Check out their shirts. (For those of you who don’t know, the Alamo has no basement!! So Pee Wee couldn’t get his bike.) There are these moments in life when I find myself sitting in a corner, watching. Watching the world go on all around me in such a beautiful synchronicity that it...Read More
Keep talkin’ Sometimes I look at other couples that have been together for some time and I wonder if I, too, will run out of things to say. Side note: My husband says that is impossible for this to happen to us because of my love of such novelties as Question Cubes or conversation cards...Read More
Yesterday, I thought that I had left my sunglasses at Piatti restaurant. My mother in law and I had gone there for lunch before we had an absolutely fabulous spa day at the Woodhouse. When it was time to head home, some 3 hours later, I could not find my sunglasses anywhere. I tore everything...Read More
Michael posing as a reminder to me 🙂 About a year ago, I wrote the following words into my Jesus Calling Devotional: When you worry, you think about the past and the future. Live in the present moment now! It was a perfect reminder to me this morning, because my mind was wandering thinking about the disturbing...Read More
My dog, Bella. She has spidey senses. I’ve had her since she was about 8 weeks old and it was love at first sight…for both of us. Ever since then, she and I have been attached at the hip. When I leave the house, she wines and has a bit of a meltdown for a...Read More
A few days ago, I came home from work much later than I wanted to because of a myriad of time blockers. I had to catch up after being in meetings all day and then on my way home I ran into traffic, accidents etc. A normal 20 minute drive turned into a 45 minute...Read More
I don’t want to fit in. I’d rather stand out. Be different. Not like anyone else. I think that I have always felt like this. When I tried to be like the others, it has just never felt right. So I stopped and haven’t looked back since. Different is better than better. God didn’t make...Read More
I opened the box carefully to examine its precious contents. I slowly lifted the cardboard flaps to reveal my book! There were lots of them. I smiled because I still just can’t believe it. All of that hard work and dreaming finally came to fruition and let me tell you, it is freakin’ awesome!! Release...Read More
Why do we feel like we are obligated to carry such heavy burdens on our shoulders? You know…the burdens of sickness and sadness that surround us. The affliction of all of the bad news that spews all over us every time we watch tv or go online. Yeah, those burdens. They are heavy, aren’t they?...Read More