Things don’t happen TO you, they happen FOR you. Read that sentence again. When you realize that there is purpose in everything…EVERYTHING…that happens in your life, you react differently. What am I supposed to learn? What am I supposed to feel? How am I supposed to grow? What am I supposed to change? Those will...Read More
In early 2020, I made the bold decision to take my work email off of my phone. That may sound insane to some of you, but I assure you that it is definitely one of the best things that I have ever done. People might think I am crazy and that it would do me...Read More
Let’s face it, the real estate industry as a whole can be very stressful. There are so many moving parts and so many things that happen behind the scenes…people have NO idea. NO idea. It is difficult for all of us to maintain our sanity sometimes. I don’t know one person who hasn’t cried, had...Read More
I have been journaling for many years now. It has become a part of my daily routine. Not only has it proven itself to be great therapy for me, the action has allowed me to record moments in time that I would have otherwise forgotten. A sunrise in Africa. When I first fell in love....Read More
I believe that those who understand their own mortality are the ones who truly live. When you fully grasp the fact that one day you will die, you begin to live your life differently. It’s true. Just ask someone who has had a brush with death. You probably won’t even have to ask. You can...Read More
I look at you in the early morning. I can feel your breath hit me and oddly enough, I love it. Mainly because it means that I get to wake up next to you. I thought about that this morning and I giggled to myself as I was snuggled in your loving arms. I love...Read More
Why do we waste so much time doing stupid shit? The things that don’t matter. Most of us do. Admit it. We waste time on grudges. Social media. Working too much. Being unforgiving. Judgment. Comparison. Anger. Envy. Watching too much TV. I could go on and on. Escaping the beautiful world that God had intended...Read More
You build equity. Equity in your home is the amount of money you can sell a home for minus what you owe. Long term buying is less expensive than renting. Instead of building your landlord’s net work, build yours! The larger your downpayment is, the lower your monthly mortgage payment may be. Even a modest...Read More
You can have fashion. You can have style. You can have class. One costs you money. The others you must possess within you. One comes and goes, the other two are unending. They never get old. You have the power to choose. I remember when I was a little kid, the Billy Joel, “Uptown Girl”...Read More
There is no “good” or “bad” things that happen to you. They are all things and they have a purpose. They are here to help you learn and grow and teach you that you have the ability to react and respond in any way you choose. That is your human superpower. You need to tap...Read More