Stop worrying. Hear His voice. Quiet your mind. Relax. Think His thoughts. Don’t let your mind wander. Be present. Don’t conform to the patterns of this world. Seek His face. Trust Him with ALL of your thoughts. Be thankful regardless of the circumstances. When you feel the clatter of the chaos in the world we...Read More
Here’s something that I have been thinking about lately, where I KNOW I am not the only woman that struggles with this paradox. How can an alpha woman balance both her masculine side and her feminine side? How can we embrace both sides of us so that one doesn’t overtake the other? My personality is...Read More
It has been a while, God, since I have been at this place. You tell me to “trust you” and that everything will be ok. I will see… “Soon,” you say. There are things that I can only see in my stillness and when I rest my weary body. The person you want me to...Read More
We can have all of the plans in the world, but it is God who directs our steps. #truth Just a few days ago, my life was very different. My work whirled around me at about 5463 mph. The phone and text messages would not stop. 500+ emails coming to me each day. I had...Read More
Lately, I have been rethinking a lot of things, as I imagine many people are. I now have turned off the news completely and have put my head down to concentrate on what is in front of me versus what anyone else is doing. I just can’t stand the media anymore. It is out of...Read More
These are loan-stopping HUGE mistakes that people make every day…so I am here to help spread the word so that you don’t do the same! So picture this… You found your dream home, you pre-qualified at a payment you can afford and now are just waiting to close. Time to take it easy – maybe...Read More
I am going to explain to you why APR and ONLY focusing on it when you are comparing lenders is the WRONG thing to do. We have become brainwashed to believe that APR is the only thing to look at. Guess what, though? It is not. APR is basically the cost of a loan over...Read More
Welcome to the 10Gs Podcast: Guidry’s Guide to grit, gifts, goodwill, guts, gold, God, glory, growth, gratitude, and being genuine. Today we’re talking about goals, growth and grit. I’m going to tell you all about being a strong woman in business. Today I have a very special guest with me, Rose Hernandez. She is my...Read More
Today I am going to explain to you WHAT 3 NUMBERS MATTER THE MOST ON HOME LOAN APPLICATIONS. The 3 numbers that matter are YOUR CREDIT SCORE, YOUR DEBT-TO-INCOME RATIO AND YOUR LOAN-TO-VALUE RATIO. These specific numbers matter because they affect your ability to qualify for a home loan as well as your interest rate...Read More
When I was 23 years old, I purchased my very first house. I was a young and up and coming branch manager at Centex, so I decided to build one of their homes myself on a community in Rowlett, TX. I remember how scared I was…but excited at the same time. Probably more excited though,...Read More