God has no business in business. You really need to separate the two. That is what some have told me as I have become more and more vocal about where He lies in my success. I just sit there and smile. I think to myself (and most times say out loud), “God IS the reason...Read More
Next time, just look up!!! Whether you think you are having a good day or a bad day, you are right. It is completely up to you. Your perspective and your chosen reaction determine which day you are having. God’s Word says, “ for the good of those who love God and are called according to...Read More
Complete dependence = Freedom. Sounds like an oxymoron, doesn’t it? Yeah, I know. It doesn’t have to be, as long as you are dependent upon God. Close your eyes (after you read this, of course!) and imagine yourself as a child…maybe 4-5 years old. You are holding your mom or dad’s hand and you look...Read More
In late 2019, I wrote about my goals for 2020. One of them was for me to appear on national television as a consultant to talk about mortgage and credit related information. A lofty goal for me…but I could just envision myself doing it. I didn’t (and still don’t) want to do it to be...Read More
A picture taken from the ICU June 2020 It is hard for me to believe that one year ago, I was dying. Literally. I had massive blood clots in both of my lungs and my heart was failing. I was within days of no longer being on this earth. I had blacked out from lack...Read More
The Journal 2006 was a rough year for my family. My grandfather on my dad’s side has passed away from a very long and drawn-out illness leaving my grandmother alone for the first time in well over 50 years. I wanted to do something special for my grandma that year, so I decided to give...Read More
Grudges Life is too short to hold grudges. Grudges keep you in the past and hold you back from enjoying the moment that you should be in…which is the present. Not one person has ever benefitted from holding a grievance against someone. No problem has ever been solved. No healing has been had. Just a...Read More
We aren’t designed to live lives of CONSTANT busyness and just going and going endlessly. Sometimes, you just have to take a pause. That is what Team Guidry is doing right now. We have stopped moving full speed ahead because we haven’t had a break in many years. It was wearing on all of us...Read More
He, we, me. Three little words with profound meaning when put into the right context. The quality of our life is determined in a large part by the quality of our relationships. Who you hang out with, is who you become. What does your relationship assortment say about you? He: First and foremost, God needs...Read More
It has been said that the hardest thing to get from a client is the blank page of a bank or asset statement. ‘Cause, I mean, WHY would a loan officer need to see something that has nothing on it? GREAT question! Let me answer. First, WE don’t know it is the blank page. If...Read More